Ken Sahara



IWATE University  Faculty of Agriculture  Department of Plant-bioscience 



Laboratory Address

〒0208550 3-18-8, Ueda, Morioka

Laboratory Phone number


Laboratory Fax number


Mail Address

E-mail address

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Hokkaido University -  phD  1997.03.25

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2012.04

    IWATE University   Faculty of Agriculture   Professor   [Duty]

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2011.08

    Hokkaido University   Lecturer  

  • 2007.04

    Hokkaido University   Assistant Professor  

  • 1992.07

    Hokkaido University   Research Assistant  

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Plant protection science


Course Subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2018

    Undergraduate Research

  • 2018

    Introduction to Bioregulation

  • 2018

    Introduction to Biological Control

  • 2018

    Applied Entomology II

  • 2018

    Advanced Research on Plant Life Science

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Published Papers 【 display / non-display

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 節足動物ゲノムにおける細胞遺伝学的マッピングプロトコル:第6章カイコ(鱗翅目昆虫)

    Yoshido A, Sahara K, Yasukochi Y

    CRC press  2014.11 ISBN: 978-146659815

    Scholarly Book

  • Natural History of Silk (in Japanese)

    Saito Y, Sahara K eds

    Kaiyu-sha  2012.09 ISBN: 9784905930860

    Academic Books

  • Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera

    Goldsmith M, Marec F eds ( Pages responsible : Marec F, Sahara K, Traut W: Chapter 3: Rise and fall of the W chromosome in Lepidoptera )

    CRC press  2009.09 ISBN: 978-1138111721

    Academic Books

  • Molecular Entomology (in Japanese)

    Kamimura M, Hinomoto N, Kasai S, Takauchi H, Hatakeyama M, Ishibashi J eds.

    Kyoritsu Shuppan  2009.08 ISBN: 9784320056954

    Academic Books

  • Future Biological Sciences: Listen from Insect

    Hayashi Y, Ohtsuki Y, Matsumoto T, Masui H, Fujii H, Sugimura N, Yajima M, Furusawa T eds.

    Kinugasa-Kai  2009.06

    Academic Books

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Silkworm BAC screening for construction of artificial chromosomes

    Oral Presentation(General) 


  • BAC library construction and BAC-FISH mapping in the eastern pale clouded yellow butterfly, Colias erate

    Oral Presentation(General)  Mizuki Ohno, Toshiaki Fujimoto, Go Suzuki, Yuji Yasukochi, Ken Sahara


  • A fate of sex chromosomes and its partners in sex-limited yellow cocoon (Sy) strain of Bombyx mori

    Oral Presentation(General)  Ken Sahara, Yukina Matsumoto, Atsuo Yoshido, Munetaka Kawamoto, Yuji Yasukochi, Yu Kaneko


  • Sex chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera

    Oral Presentation(Guest/Special)  Ken Sahara


  • Sex chromosome turnover in a wild silkmoth

    Symposium, Workshop, Panelist (Public Offering)  Ken Sahara, Atsuo Yoshido, Yuji Yasukochi


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Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display

  • 2016.03.17

  • The prize for the Society of Chromosome Research


    All winners: Ken Sahara

  • 2014.10.31

  • Japan Prize of Agricultural Sciences, Achievement Award for Young Scientists


    All winners: Sahara K

  • Achievement Award for Young Scientists in Japanese Society of Sericultural Science


    All winners: Sahara K

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2000.04

    The Japanese Society for Wild Silkmoths