

IWATE University  Faculty of Agriculture  Department of Food Production and Environmental Management 


Associate Professor

Laboratory Address

〒020-8550 Ueda 3-18-8, Morioka

Laboratory Phone number


Laboratory Fax number


Mail Address

E-mail address

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Environment control in biology

  • Plant and Biological Instrumentation

Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Yamagata University   Faculty of Agriculture   Agricultural engineering   Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Yamagata University  Graduate School, Division of Agriculture  Dept. of Agricultural Engineering  Master's Course  Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • The University of Tokyo -  Ph.D. (Agriculture)  2001.02.05

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2007.04

    IWATE University   Faculty of Agriculture   Associate Professor   [Duty]

  • 2005.10

    IWATE University   Faculty of Agriculture   Environmental Science   Recycling Bioproduction Engineering   Associate Professor (As Old Post Name)   [Duty]

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 1999.01

    University of the ryukyus   Research Assistant  

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental agriculture

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Landscape science


Course Subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2006

    Sustainable Bio-production Engineering Seminar

  • 2006

    Sustainable Bio-production Engineering Laboratory Ⅱ

  • 2006

    Agricultural Processing Factory

  • 2006

    Computer Aided Design Laboratory

  • 2006

    Thermal Engineering

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Research Career 【 display / non-display

  • Agricultural Applications of Neutron and X-ray Radiographies

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : Agriculture,Neutron Imaging,X-ray Imaging

    Style of Research: International Collaboration

    Research Program: (not selected)  

    Contents of Research Career

    Neutron and X-ray images have a high resolution and a relatively large field of view. Both methods should be excellent tools to observe the full scale of water transport in plants. It would solve an interesting question of plants and water relation that is one of main issues of agricultural studies. Figure shows water distribution image of a cut carnation flower obtained by neutron tomogoraphy.

Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Estimation of the volumetric water content in chrysanthemum tissues.

    Matsushima, U., Kawabata, Y. and Horie, T.

    J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.   264 ( 2 ) 325 - 328   2005.01  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

  • Changes in water distribution during senescence in cut carnation flowers.

    Matsushima, U. Kawabata, Y., Cheul-Muu Sim, Ki-Yong Nam and Nishizawa, T.

    Acta Hort.   669   111 - 117   2005.01  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

  • Application of very low energy neutron radiography with energy selection system using 4Qc 4m supermirror.

    Kawabata, Y., Hino, M., Nakano, T., Sunohara, H., Matsushima, U. and Geltenbort, P.

    Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res.   A 542   61 - 67   2005.01  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

  • Measurement of changes in water thickness in plant materials using very low-energy neutron radiography.

    Matsushima, U., Kawabata, Y., Hino, M., Geltenbort, P. and Nicolai, B. M.

    Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res.   A 542   76 - 80   2005.01  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

  • High-contrast neutron imaging to observe water distribution in intact plants

    Matsushima, U., Kawabata, Y., Nakano, T., Hino, M., Geltenbort, P. and Nicolai, B. M.

    Acta Hort.   682   1411 - 1418   2005.01  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Relationship between Plant Root System and Water Movement in Rice Hull Medium

    U. Matsushima, C. Kanno, H. Shono and M. Okada

    KURRI Progress Report 2012 ( 京都大学原子炉実験所 )    2013.06


  • Appropriate Soil Thickness for Neutron Imaging of Water Movement to Facilitate Phytoremediation Study

    U. Matsushima, R. Takamatsu, K. Hirota and Y. Kawabata

    KURRI Progress Report ( 京都大学原子炉実験所 )    2012.06


  • 植物内の水を非破壊的に可視化する

    松嶋卯月,Nikolay Kardjilov, Eberhard H. Lehmann, Werner B. Herppch

    低温生物工学会誌 ( 低温生物工学会 )  58 ( 1 ) 9 - 14   2012.04

    Academic Journal  

  • Simple Spectrographic Technique Using a Fluorescent Dye to Evaluate Water-Uptake by Cut Flower Peduncles

    U. Matsushima, Y. Yamadaa, H. Shono and M. Okada

    Acta Hort. ( ISHS )    2011.12


  • Observation of water distribution in cut spray carnation flowers using neutron tomography

    U. Matsushima, E.H. Lehmann, P. Vpntobel, G. Frei, B.M. Nicolai, T. Nishizawa

    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific symposium on quality management for agri-foods in supply chains ( Center of excellence in postharvest technology king mongkut's university of technology thonburi )    2007.06


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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Relationship between Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) growth and soil moisture characteristics of a rice-chaff and soil composite in a high-concentration salt solution

    Oral Presentation(General)  Uzuki Matsushima, Hiroshi Shono, Masumi Okada, Minami Ishida


  • Observation of water movement in plants by using near infrared spectral imaging and deuterium oxide tracer

    Oral Presentation(General)  Uzuki Matsushima, Hiroshi Shono, Masumi Okada, Yumi Hibino


  • Rice-chaff and Soil Composite Helps Komatsuna (Brassica Rapa Var. Perviridis) Survive in a High-concentrated Salt Solution

    Oral Presentation(General)  Matsushima Uzuki, Hiroshi Shono, Masumi Okada, Takahashi Mie, Ogawa Akiko


  • 3-dimensional imaging of calcium oxalate crystals distribution in rose stems by synchrotron X-Ray tomography

    Oral Presentation(General)  Uzuki Matsushima, Wolfgang Graf, Simon Zabler, Ingo Manke, Martin Dawson, Gerard Choinka and Werner B. Herppich


  • Application of terahertz spectroscopy to determine the frozen state of plant leaves

    Oral Presentation(General)  Uzuki Matsushima, Takenori Tanno, Yukio Kawamura


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