HALL James Meriwether



IWATE University  Faculty of Education  English Education 



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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • English Teacher Education

  • Language Teacher Cognition

  • English Teaching Methodologies

  • Multicultural Education

Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Kenyon College   International Studies   Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Others  School of Social Sciences  Applied Linguistics  Doctor's Course  Completed


    Others    International Education  Master's Course  Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • University of Stirling -  PhD in Applied Linguistics  2017.11.16

  •  -  Masters Degree  2000.06.01

  • Kenyon College -  International Studies  1997.06.01

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.04

    IWATE University   Faculty of Education   Iwate University   Professor   [Duty]

  • 2006.04

    IWATE University   Faculty of Education   Iwate University   Associate Professor   [Duty]

  • 2003.04

    IWATE University   Faculty of Education   English Education   Lecturer   [Duty]

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

  • Multicultural Education

  • English Education


Course Subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2012

    Special Research in English Expressions Ⅱ

  • 2012

    Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language Ⅲ

  • 2012

    Basic Seminar for the first-year students

  • 2012

    Inquiry into teaching English Ⅰ

  • 2012

    Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language Ⅱ

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Research Career 【 display / non-display

  • English Teacher Development

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : Language Teacher Cognition

    Style of Research: Individual

    Research Program: The Other Research Programs  

    Contents of Research Career

    I research how English teachers at (mainly) Japanese junior high schools develop and then try to apply these findings to my English Teaching Methodology classes at the university.

  • English Activities Using Picture Books

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : Elementary School English Education

    Style of Research: Collaboration in Organization

    Research Program: International Joint Research Projects  

  • Supporting local elementary schools' English activities

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : TEFL training for Japanese elementary school teachers

    Style of Research: Collaboration in Japan

    Research Program: The Other Research Programs  

  • Internships for teaching English at Thailand secondary schools

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : teacher education

    Style of Research: International Collaboration

    Research Program: International Joint Research Projects  

  • Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Grammar Teaching

    Periods of research:


    Keywords : Inductive Approach,Deductive Approach

    Style of Research: Individual

    Research Program: (not selected)  

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Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Dilemmas Student Teachers Experience Conducting Language Learning Activities at Elementary Schools

    James M Hall

    JES Journal ( 小学校英語教育学会 )  24   134 - 149   2024.03  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Single Work

    This study examines dilemmas that student teachers experience when teaching English communicatively at elementary school. As part of a two-year English teaching methodologies course, student teachers conducted English lessons at elementary schools. They then wrote critical incident reports about their experience. A critical incident is an unexpected event occurring in a lesson that causes some kind of pedagogical quandary. In this study, 297 critical incident reports written by 191 pre-service teachers between 2015 and 2022 were analyzed. Through thematic coding, the critical incidents were grouped into themes. An examination of critical incidents within a theme and across themes revealed dilemmas student teachers were likely to experience when conducting language learning activities. Among these dilemmas were how to mix fun and learning, how to encourage students to use the target words and phrases in an activity, the role of practice, and the challenge of teachers using English. The fact that there was no easy resolution for each dilemma show the complexity of teaching. This paper suggests that presenting student teachers with contradictory case studies can help them develop the ability to teach appropriately depending on the pedagogical content, characteristics of the learners, and teaching environment.

  • Resolving pedagogical dilemmas with preservice and in‐service teachers in Japan

    James M Hall

    TESOL Journal ( Wiley )  00   2024.03  [Refereed]

    Bulletin of University, Institute, etc.  Single Work

    A pedagogical dilemma happens when an in-class event or external factor contradicts with a teacher’s principles or instructional practices and compels them to make decisions. This paper focuses on how resolving dilemmas can enhance the conceptual understanding of both the teacher and the supervisor. The supervisory setting this paper describes is not extensively researched in international journals: University instructors in Japan supervising pre-service and in-service teachers. It presents three cases studies: two on supervising pre-service teachers and one on supervising an in-service teacher. Although approaches to supervision emphasize the facilitative aspect, the case studies of the pre-service teachers exhibited circumstances more conducive to a directive-oriented approach. Nevertheless, with the assistance of the supervisors, the pre-service teachers were able to develop episodic knowledge of pedagogical concepts through navigating the dilemmas they experienced. The case study with the in-service teacher, on the other hand, required a more facilitative approach to supervision. It suggests that the supervisor should understand and accommodate the pedagogical concepts under which the teacher operates to provide useful support in resolving classroom-based dilemmas.


  • Making commercials of Morioka and Thonburi, Bangkok: A Video Exchange Project between a School in Japan and Thailand

    James M. Hall, Rie Yamakage, Thatsanan Waengwan, Kamlaitip Semsanga, Attachai Saenkhot

    岩手大学英語教育論集   25   1 - 24   2023.03

    Others  Single Work

    This report describes an online video exchange between the Affiliated Junior High School of the Iwate University Faculty of Education (Hereafter, Fuzoku JHS) and the Wat Nuannoradit School (Hereafter, the WN School). The former is located in Morioka, Iwate, and the latter in the district of Thonburi in Bangkok, Thailand. For this online exchange, students in each school made video commercials (CMs) to show the appealing points of the places they live. The CMs were put on a blog (Thailand and Japan School Exchange Site, 2023) and students from each school commented on one another’s videos. Lastly, students participated in an online discussion with one another in which they asked questions about the CMs and related topics. This project has been conducted three times, and a total of 48 and 44 videos have been created about Thonburi and Morioka, respectively. In this report, we first describe the participating schools and relevant educational reforms which are impacting them. We introduce the CM project as a means to help students make use of the new abilities they are expected to acquire. Next, we present the topics of the videos and discuss how they collectively show the characteristics of Thonburi and Morioka. Lastly, we suggest ways that these CMs can be utilized to help students learn about their respective regions and give ideas for future projects and exchanges.

  • Incorporating Communicative Language Teaching into Foreign Language Teacher Education Programs in Japan

    James M Hall

    International Symposium on International Talents Cultivation: Cooperation and Opportunities ( Zhejiang University of Science and Technology )  1   1 - 16   2022.10

    Others  Single Work

    In this paper, I focus on preparing student-teachers and novice teachers to teachEnglish at elementary schools and junior high schools. I first introduce the educationalcontext: the national foreign language curriculum for primary and secondary schools, howteachers are prepared for their job, and the meaning of being a teacher in Japan. Second,based on previous research, I then discuss issues that pre-service teachers and noviceteachers experience teaching so-called communicative English. Lastly, I introduce theEnglish education program at Iwate University and present some ideas for helping teacherslearn to teach communicative English.

  • Eportfolio post tagging for student-teacher development

    James M Hall

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching     1 - 13   2022.07  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Single Work

    This paper introduces an innovative practice: post tagging as a way to enhance the use of ePortfolios in foreign language teacher education programs. The ePortfolio system is a WordPress multi-author blog, and a student-teacher’s ePortfolio is a page comprised of the posts they have written. Tags are keywords for a post. In this innovation, ePortfolio post tags are matched with content learning areas in the teacher education program. When student-teachers tag a post, they first choose a relevant content area from the teacher education curriculum, e.g. Methods, and then select an appropriate tag or keyword from that area, e.g. Focus on form. Tagging has the following benefits. First, it can encourage student-teachers to reconcile pedagogical concepts from their teacher education program with their professional goals, teaching practice, and teaching beliefs. Second, tags can be used as a means to understand the types of pedagogical concepts that student-teachers deem important. Lastly, tagging can inform the teacher educators about how to improve their programs. On the other hand, using tags to match one’s reflective writing with pedagogical concepts does not come naturally to student-teachers and needs to be carefully introduced. The paper concludes by presenting some guidelines for using ePortfolios with tagging.


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Learning to Mentor Junior High School Teachers in Japan

    James M. Hall, Fiona Copland

    2022.09 ISBN: 978-3-030-99260-6

    Scholarly Book

  • Iwate University Faculty of Education & Faculty of Education Affiliated Junior High School

    YAMAKAGE Rie, OTAKI Wataru, YOSHIKADO Junichi, HALL James ( Pages responsible : Chapter 9 Foreign Language Subject:Developing students who can engage in collaborative communication and respect diversity )

    Fukumura Publishers  2022.06 ISBN: 9784571101977

    Scholarly Book

  • Myanmar Primary School First Grade English Textbook



    Textbooks for Children

  • Japan: Facing the 2011 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Radiation

    James M. Hall, Moto Suzuki ( Pages responsible : 第17章:The Role of Volunteering in Post-tsunami Town Recovery: The Experience of All Hands in Ofunato City, Iwate )


    Scholarly Book

  • Adapting English Picture Books to an EFL Context: A Study of Collaboration between Elementary School Teachers and TEFL Practitioners in Rural Japan

    James M. Hall, Tomoko Yamazaki, Chohei Takahashi, Takeru Ishigame

    Palgrave Macmillan  2011.09 ISBN: 978-0-230-301

    Scholarly Book

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Japanese are from Venus and non-Japanese from Mars: How to Team Teach more Effectively

    James HALL

    EPIC World   Spring ( 36 ) 59-60   2002.01


  • Grading Relative to Classmates Makes for Bad Competition

    James HALL

    Epic World   Spring ( 33 ) 59-60   2002.01


  • The (Somewhat) Incidental Raising of a Bilingual Child

    James Hall

    バイリンガル通信 ( JALTバイリンガリズム研究会 )  22 ( 3 ) 15 - 17   2014.02

    Academic Journal (Local)  

  • A Pilot Study on Elementary School Foreign Language Activities Which Promote Flow

    James Hall, Aurore Nesme

    岩手大学英語教育論集 ( 岩手大学教育学部英語科 )    15 - 41   2014.03

    University Bulletin  

  • Research and Praxtice to Link Teacher Education with Local Education

    James Hall

    Iwate University Newsletter ( Iwate University )  43   2 - 2   2019.08


Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • The Puean Program: A Teaching Internship in Thailand

    Oral Presentation(General) 


  • Cutting Edge Reflective Practice to Promote Teacher Development in Japan and Thailand

    Oral Presentation(General)  James M Hall


  • Language assessment and policy innovation in Myanmanr

    Oral Presentation(General)  Brian Gaynor, James Hall


  • Developing "Problem-solving" Teachers

    Oral Presentation(General)  James M Hall


  • Using WordPress as a Content Management and Comment Site for Teacher Education

    Symposium, Workshop, Panelist (Public Offering)  James M Hall, Simon Townsend, Kodai Tamura


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Preferred joint research theme 【 display / non-display

  • Comparing the Learner Beliefs between AETs and JETs

    Joint research form : Cooperative Research with other research organizations including universities.

  • An Inductive Approach to Teaching English Articles

    Joint research form : Cooperative Research with other research organizations including universities.

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.08

    British Association of Applied Linguistics

  • 2018.04

    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology

  • 2003.10

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

  • 2003.04

    The Iwate Society of English Education

  • 2003.04

    The Japan Society of English Language Education

Academic Activity 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04

    The Iwate Society of English Education   President

  • 2007.06

    The Japan Society of English Language Education   Member of the Editing Comittee of the Tohoku English Society Research Journal