

岩手大学  人文社会科学部  地域政策課程 




〒0208550 岩手県 岩手県盛岡市上田三丁目18-34







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  • 応用計量経済学

  • 家計経済学

  • 環境経済学

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    一橋大学  経済学研究科  比較経済・地域開発専攻  博士課程  修了

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 一橋大学 -  博士(経済学)  2018年03月

学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2021年10月

    岩手大学   人文社会科学部   地域政策課程   准教授   [本務]

学外略歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2021年02月

      九州大学大学院   工学研究院環境社会部門都市システム工学講座    特任助教・学術研究員

  • 2021年01月

      九州大学大学院   都市研究センター   学術研究員

  • 2021年01月

      合同会社   経済研究所   委託研究員

  • 2019年04月

      Kyushu University   特任助教

  • 2018年08月

      九州大学大学院   工学研究院環境社会部門都市システム工学講座    特任助教

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研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 環境経済学 持続可能 家計経済学 幸福度


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2021年度


  • 2021年度


  • 2022年度


  • 2022年度


  • 2022年度


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論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Work Hour Mismatch on Life Evaluation: Full Heterogeneity and Individual- and Country-Level Characteristics of the Most and Least Affected Workers.

    Zhang, C., Piao, X. & Managi, S.

    Sociai Indicators Reseach ( Springer nature )    2023年09月  [査読有り]

    学術誌  共著・分担

    Mismatches between workers’ actual and preferred hours of work are ubiquitous and have detrimental effects on well-being. Yet, the full heterogeneity of these effects and the characteristics of the most and least affected subpopulations remain largely unknown. This study collects survey data from 37 countries and estimates the full heterogeneity in the effects using a newly developed method—the sorted partial effect method. Based on the full heterogeneity, we employ classification analyses on the 10%-most and 10%-least affected groups and show that individuals most (vs. least) affected by overemployment are younger, while those most (vs. least) affected by underemployment are older. Age is the most influential factor that distinguishes the most and least affected workers when compared with other individual-level factors such as education level, household income, and the number of children. Country-level differences between the most and least affected groups imply that work hour mismatch is more tolerable for workers in relatively poorer countries than for workers in wealthier countries. These findings underscore age-tailored policy responses for alleviating the negative effects of work hour mismatch and provide insights for understanding the complex economic preferences across countries.



    Edward B. Barbier, Shuning Chen, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Moinul Islam, Pushpam Kumar, Robi Kurniawan, Gang Liu, Shunsuke Managi, Xiangdan Piao, Yogi Sugiawan,.

    Inclusive Wealth Report 2023: Measuring Sustainability and Equity ( United Nations Environment Programme )    2023年08月

    国際的学術誌  共著・分担

  • Lessons on the COVID-19 pandemic: who are the most affected

    Xie, J., Piao, X. & Managi, S.

    Scientific Reports ( Springer nature )  13   9365   2023年06月  [査読有り]

    学術誌  共著・分担

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in work and lifestyle, impacting occupational mental health. This study examines the time and individual heterogeneity in the pandemic's effects on occupational mental health using panel data from job stress checks spanning 2018 to 2021. On average, there was an initial alleviation of high-stress risk in 2020, followed by a deterioration in 2021. Based on the job demand-resource theory, we identify the group of employees most affected by the pandemic. The findings highlight that employees in unfavorable workplace conditions are more likely to experience substantial adverse impacts. Adequate workplace support, including factors like interpersonal relationships, managerial support, job meaning, control, and work-life balance, is crucial for mitigating high-stress risk. Additionally, during the early phase of the pandemic, engaged employees experienced a slight decline in occupational mental health, while those lacking job resources at their worksite faced higher levels of occupational stress in the subsequent year. These findings offer practical suggestions for person-centered coping strategies to mitigate the pandemic's adverse impact.


  • The international role of education in sustainable lifestyles and economic development

    Piao, X., Managi, S.

    Scientific Reports ( Springer nature )  13   8733   2023年05月  [査読有り]

    学術誌  共著・分担

    Improved economic growth and environmental protection are necessary to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This study examines the relationship between people’s education levels and sustainable lifestyles in protecting the environment and economic growth, as expressed by the increase in household equivalent income. We conducted an original cross-sectional survey, which yielded 100,956 valid observations in 37 countries. The factors included educational level, sustainable lifestyle with natural resource consumption, and household equivalent income for economic development. We used logit and ordered logit model and applied an ordinary linear regression model after confirming the association between education and income. Our analyses found that higher educational levels were associated with an increase in specific environmentally friendly behaviors and sustainable energy consumption. Individuals in the higher educational level group tended to consume recycled goods, purchase energy-saving household products, conserve electricity, and separate their waste. Additionally, higher levels of education were positively associated with equivalent household income in all 37 countries, indicating better economic development. Thus, our study underscores the importance of improving education at the broad population level to promote economic development and establish cooperative human behaviors necessary to sustain the environment.


  • Intra-Household Income Management and Couple’s Relative Sharing of Income and Environment Sustainability in Japan

    Xiangdan Piao

    Sustainability ( MDPI )  15 ( 7 ) 6204   2023年04月  [査読有り]

    学術誌  単著

    This study aims to identify household members’ income sharing, when the amount of said income is governed by a particular household member. The results are expected to provide insightful evidence that identifies who is under the poverty line within families. This will illustrate the intra-household allocation inequality by observing the members’ household income dominance. Using the information on household income management obtained from the Japanese Household Panel Survey data (1993–2013) and the original Internet survey, this paper develops an alternative methodology to estimate the household income distribution of couples. A two-step estimation process was employed to estimate the wife’s manageable income equation. Then, the parameters were substituted into the husband’s manageable income equation to estimate the parameters for calculating the wife’s sharing rule. The results are as follows. First, a wife’s share of intra-household resources positively correlates to her manageable income resources. However, wives have weak power in expending the transferred income from their husbands. Second, the remarkable feature is that, on average, wives share 37% of the resources, meaning that the wives’ relative bargaining is weaker than the husbands’. Narrowing the gap in terms of hourly wage between husbands and wives is a crucial tool to reduce the intra-household allocation gap. Third, the wives’ relative intrahousehold income allocation improvement is associated with household environment sustainability activities. To improve the intra-household income allocation inequality, we provide an original approach to explore the intra-household head of household members’ relative income sharing. The results highlight the inequality of intra-household income distribution and confirm that reducing the income gap would be a crucial improvement factor.


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著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Inclusive Wealth Report 2023: Measuring Sustainability and Equity

    Edward B, Barbier, Shuning Chen, Barbara M, Fraumeni, Pushpam Kumar, Robi Kurniawan, Gang Liu, Shunsuke Managi, Xiangdan Piao, Yogi Sugiawan

    United Nations Environment Programme  2023年08月


  • ESG 経営の実践 新国富指標による非財務価値の評価

    馬奈木俊介, 岸上祐子, キーリー アレキサンダー 竜太, 栗田健一, 田中 義孝, 朴香丹, 松永千晶, 兪善彬

    事業構想大学院大学出版部  2021年07月 ISBN: 978-4910255064



  • Quality of Life in Japan

    Ma, X., & Piao, X. ( 担当範囲: Income, Intra-household Bargaining Power and the Happiness of Japanese Married Women. )

    Springer, Singapore.  2020年08月 ISBN: 978-9811389092


研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 持続可能な社会づくりに向けて ―教育、環境配慮型行動と経済発展について

    口頭(一般)  朴香丹

    令和5年度岩手大学公開講座環境学入門<人社地域環境共生プログラムからのメッセージ>  (岩手大学教育学部北桐ホール) 



  • 岩手大学・人文社会科学部・環境経済論研究室

    ポスター(一般)  朴香丹

    北東北女性研究者研究・交流フェア2023  (岩手大学復興記念「銀河ホール」及び「ものづくり協創工房」) 



  • Altruistic for Natural Environment and life Satisfaction: Evidence from 37 Nations

    口頭(招待・特別)  Xiangdan PIAO



    United Scientific Group

  • 経済成長と環境保全の実現に向けた人的資本の役割

    口頭(招待・特別)  朴香丹

    INS冬季講演会  (盛岡地域交流センターマリオス 18 階 188 会議室) 


  • The impact of social participation on health among middle-aged and elderly adults: Evidence from longitudinal survey data in China

    Piao, X

    International Conference Sustainable Development in China and Russia Center for Far Eastern Studies (CFES)  (University of Toyama) 


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科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Short-term and Long-term effects of education inequality on economic growth and environmental conservation


    代表者:  朴 香丹  




    2023年度・ 1,040,000円・ 240,000円

    2024年度・ 3,120,000円・ 720,000円

    2025年度・ 520,000円・ 120,000円

その他競争的資金獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Short-term and Long-term effects of education inequality on economic growth and environmental conservation


    資金支給期間 :


    研究内容 :

    This research project provides empirical evidence that Short-term and Long-term effect of the education inequality on the economic growth and environment conservation using Japan and international data. The population education level is a crucial factor of the human capital driving economic growth. The education institutes’ operations are deeply relied on the public-school funding from the tax income. Distribute the school funding equally or competitively to the targeted education institutes are different because the competitive funding distribution may lead the greater education inequality. However, the investigation of the long-term effect of the education inequality is still scarce. To fill this knowledge gap, this research project aims to show the short-term and long-term relationship of the education inequality and economic growth and environment conservation. The education inequality covers the population primary, secondary and tertiary education in terms of average and inequality of schooling and learning outcomes. Furthermore, the long-term is defined between 5 and 30 years of prier education inequality on the current status of the economic growth and environment conservation. The results are expected to provide insightful evidence on the distribution of the public-school funding to the targeted education institutions with the population aging society.

  • 家計部門における環境保全活動の促進が個人の幸福に与える影響及び温室ガスの削減効果


    資金支給期間 :


    研究内容 :


  • 環境・社会・企業統治活動と従業員の幸福度に関する考察 持続可能なエネルギー消費:家庭部門からの考察


    資金支給期間 :


    研究内容 :

  • Gender's different choices on labor supply, leisure, consumption and home production

    Hitotsubashi International Fellow Program-Outbound-

    資金支給期間 :


    研究内容 :

  • “In search of a comprehensive picture of the gender gap: An examination of male and female choices of labor supply, leisure, consumption, and home production

    Hitotsubashi International Fellow Program-Outbound-

    資金支給期間 :


    研究内容 :

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所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示


    Western Economic Association International


    アメリカ経済学会(American Economic Association)






生涯学習支援実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 大学訪問

    種類 : 講習会

    担当部門(講演題目) : 日本の過剰包装文化から見たプラスチック問題

  • 進路相談会

    種類 : 出前講義(高校・一般向け)

    担当部門(講演題目) : 地球温暖化問題と経済

  • 進路講演会

    種類 : 教育研修会(学校公開研究会を含む)

    担当部門(講演題目) : 訳あり食品の真実に迫る

  • 進路相談会

    種類 : 出前講義(高校・一般向け)

    担当部門(講演題目) : 地球温暖化問題と経済
