

IWATE University  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  Department of Regional Policy 


Associate Professor

Laboratory Address

〒0208550 3-18-34 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550 JAPAN

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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Environmental economics

  • Household Economics

  • Applied Econometrics

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School, Division of Economics  Doctor's Course  Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Hitotsubashi University -  Ph.D. (Economics)  2018.03

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.10

    IWATE University   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences   Department of Regional Policy   Associate Professor   [Duty]

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04

    Kyushu University   Departments of Urban and Environmental Engineering School of Engineering   Assistant Professor  

  • 2018.08

    Kyushu University   Departments of Urban and Environmental Engineering School of Engineering   Research Fellow  

  • 2017.07

    Hitotsubashi University   Institute of Economic Research   Reseach Assistant  

  • 2017.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Advanced Macroeconomics (Core Course in Graduate School)   Teaching Assistant  

  • 2015.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Institute of Economic Research   Visiting young Scholar  

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Environmental economics, Household Economics, Well-being,Sustainable


Course Subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2021

    Environmental Economics 1

  • 2021

    Basic Synthetic Sciences(Regional Policy)B

  • 2022

    Seminar in Environmental Economics 1

  • 2022

    Environmental Economics 2

  • 2022

    Basic Synthetic Sciences(Regional Policy)B

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Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Determinants of pro-environmental behaviour: effects of socioeconomic, subjective, and psychological well-being factors from 37 countries.

    Xiangdan Piao, Shunsuke Managi

    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications ( Springer nature )  1   1 - 17   2024.09  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

    The investigation of the relationship between pro-environmental behaviour and the determinants of natural environment sustainability is increasing; however, the heterogeneous effects of these determinants remain unclear. Based on large-scale original cross-sectional data (100,804 observations) from 37 countries, this study investigated the average and heterogeneous effects of socioeconomic, demographic, subjective, and psychological well-being characteristics on individuals’ pro-environmental behaviour using quantile regression. The results confirmed that, on average, a positive association existed between subjective well-being, knowledge of environmental issues, educational attainment, life satisfaction, mental health, positive emotions, and pro-environmental behaviour engagement. Importantly, heterogeneous effects were confirmed in the majority of determinants, including knowledge of environmental issues, education, number of children, life satisfaction, income, negative and positive emotions, and mental health. Given the heterogeneous effect of the determinants, the results suggest that overall better characteristics, including knowledge level, educational attainment, well-being, and family structure, are associated with better pro-environmental behaviour engagement among individuals, contributing to creating an eco-surplus society.


  • Infrastructure distribution in cities and the improvement of the well-being of citizens in Japan: evidence from the quantile regression.

    Piao, X., Li, C., & Managi, S

    Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure ( Taylor & Francis  )    1 - 15   2024.09  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

    Urban construction under the aging society needs to provide efficient services for residents. We investigated the heterogenous relationship between various types of municipality-level critical infrastructure and park construction and the subjective well-being of citizens based on quantile regression using original survey data and the Japanese government statistics bureau of 2015-2017. Positive relationships were found in the low-and middle-level life satisfaction regions owing to the construction of museums or libraries, government branches, government services, health centers, police stations, fire stations, schools, hospitals, post offices, disabled and senior centers, and parks. Moreover, citizens were more likely to feel safe if the living community had comprehensive government-related institutions, including government offices, police stations, fire stations, schools, and post offices, among others. Our results indicated that the number of favorable infrastructures should be increased in areas with low levels of life satisfaction and less-safe communities to improve the citizens’ overall well-being.


  • The role of female managers in enhancing employee well-being: A path through workplace resources.

    Jun Xie, Xiangdan Piao, Shunsuke Managi

    Gender in Management ( Emerald Publishing )    2024.08  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

    Following the job demands-resources theory, this study aims to investigate the role of female managers in enhancing employee well-being in terms of psychological health via workplace resources.

    Based on a large-scale job stress survey of approximately 96,000 employee-year observations ranging from 2017 to 2019, this study applies structural equation modeling to construct latent workplace resources at the task, group and worksite levels and then examines the impact of female managers on employee well-being, including occupational stress, job satisfaction, work engagement and workplace cohesiveness.

    The findings provide supporting evidence for the transformational leadership behaviors of female managers. The presence of women in management is associated with improved workplace resources and employee well-being, particularly workplace cohesiveness, work engagement and reduced occupational stress. These relationships are significantly mediated by workplace resources, which elucidates the underlying mechanisms involved. Notably, the positive indirect effects via workplace resources could counteract the negative direct effects of female managers. Compared with top managers, female middle managers have more substantial impacts.

    Practical implications
    In practice, it is recommended to promote female representation at the management level and strengthen policies that support female middle managers to ensure favorable effects on workplace resources. In a gender-diverse management team, it is important to share female managers’ experiences in improving employee psychological well-being.

    This study provides new empirical evidence to support the transformational leadership behaviors of female managers and elucidates the mechanism of female managers’ influence on employee well-being by introducing workplace resources as mediators.

  • Global evaluation of the natural environment and household income for sustainable development.

    Xiangdan Piao, Shunsuke Managi

    Sustainable Futures ( Elsevier )  8   2024.07  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Multiple authorship

    With global economic growth, the burden on the natural environment is severe, and more and more attention is paid to sustainable development that enhances the economic growth and sustainability of the natural environment. This study aims to show the concern of global citizens regarding the natural environment and household income. It used worldwide individual interview data from 149 countries between 2007 and 2021, with 2,450,043 observations (Gallup World Poll surveys) and an original large-scale internet- and face-to-face-survey from 37 nations with 100,956 observations. Using a binary logit regression model, this study also analyzes public sentiment regarding who should bear the financial burden for environmental conservation. We found that 60 % of citizens showed that their current income provides a comfortable life; on the other hand, 49 % of the respondents were dissatisfied with conservation of the natural environment. The satisfaction with household income was much greater than satisfaction with natural environmental conservation, leaving space for improvement in environmental stringency. For citizens' preferences regarding financial responsibility, the government and companies are expected to afford conservation costs.


  • Learning quality, its inequality and sustainable development: evidence from global learning data.

    Piao, X

    Discover Sustainability, ( Springer nature )  5   169   2024.06  [Refereed]

    Academic Journal  Single Work

    When studies investigate the impact of average schooling or learning scores on economic development, they rarely focus on the effect of inequality in learning quality on economic development. Human capital is defined as inclusive sources combining citizens’ knowledge and treatment skills. This study uses global learning data to investigate a novel effect of the inequality of reading, math, and science learning scores on economic development and energy selection based on links between and within countries. We found that reducing learning outcome inequality among secondary students is crucial for improving economic development from both short-term and long-term perspectives. Moreover, the positive association between students' learning quality and economic development is confirmed. Compared to the within-country effect, the greater between-country effect of the relationship between learning quality and economic development is confirmed, showing that expectations of the between-country effect might overestimate the favorable effect of education on economic development. On the contrary, the findings show that population learning inequality is less likely to affect national attitudes toward nuclear electricity generation or renewable energy adoption. The insightful policy implications suggest that policy makers should consider reducing learning outcome inequality among students and improving the within-country relationship between education and economic development.


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Inclusive Wealth Report 2023: Measuring Sustainability and Equity

    Edward B, Barbier, Shuning Chen, Barbara M, Fraumeni, Pushpam Kumar, Robi Kurniawan, Gang Liu, Shunsuke Managi, Xiangdan Piao, Yogi Sugiawan


    Scholarly Book

  • Quality of Life in Japan

    Ma, X., & Piao, X. ( Pages responsible : Income, Intra-household Bargaining Power and the Happiness of Japanese Married Women. )

    2020.08 ISBN: 978-9811389092

    Not Set


Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Human Capital and Pro-environmental Behavior for Sustainable Development

    Poster (General)  PIAO Xiangdan

    TI-FRIS symposium 2025  (Tohoku University) 


    TI-FRIS Secretariat

  • The impact of social participation on health among middle-aged and elderly adults: Evidence from longitudinal survey data in China

    Not Set 

    International Conference Sustainable Development in China and Russia Center for Far Eastern Studies (CFES)  (University of Toyama) 


  • Impact of Gaps in the Educational Levels between Married Partners on Health and a Sustainable Lifestyle: Evidence from 32 Countries

    Not Set  Piao, X

    The 14th Annual Conference of JHEA  (International University of Heaith and Welfare) 


    Japan Health Economics Associetion

  • Expenditures on private versus shared within families and marriage sustainability: Evidence from Japanese families

    Not Set 

    2019 Asian meeting of the Econometric Society  (Xiamen University,China) 


  • The effect of the education gap on health: Evidence from the couples of 32 countries

    Not Set 

    Brownbag seminar  (Research Institute of Economics and Management at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,China) 


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Association Memberships 【 display / non-display




    American Economic Association


    Western Economic Association International


    Japanese Economic Association