Affiliation |
IWATE University Faculty of Education Science Education |
Year of Birth |
1978 |
Laboratory Address |
〒0208550 18-33, 3 chome, Ueda, Morioka |
Mail Address |
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Faculty of Sciences Designated assistant Professor
Nagoya University Museum Field Research center located at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology Designated assistant Professor
University of Tokyo Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences Special Researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Chinese Academy of Science Researcher
Course Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Earth and Planetary Evolution
Science for Elementary School Education A
Field Work in Geology A
Earth Science Laboratory 2
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
A Preliminary Report on the Major Gold Deposits distributed in the Iwate Prefecture,NE Japan.
12 ( 1 ) 1 - 14 2024.03
Others Multiple authorship
This is a preliminary report on the major gold deposits distributed in the Iwate prefecture, NE Japan. We took gold ores from seven localities, including Ogayu, Meushi, Ohinata, Urushiyama, Hounoki, Doba, and
Tamayama gold deposits. Except for samples from Tamayama deposit, gold ores in the Kitakami mountain displays a multilayer structure consisting of repeated alternating of quartz veins and country rocks. In order
to identify gold and associated sulfides, hundred gram ore samples from each locality were crushed , and constituent minerals were identified under the optical microscope. Several minute gold particles were identified
in all of the samples. Some gold particles are attached with other minerals, such as pyrite in Hounoki and a Bi-Te mineral in Ogayu. This suggests that parental hydrothermal fluids precipitated gold with sulfides or a Bi-
Te mineral. These ore samples were classified into two types based on sulfide speciation, namely pyrite- andarsenopyrite types. Ore samples from Ogayu, Doba and Tamayama were classified as pyrite type, those from
Meushi, Urushiyama, Ohinata were arsenopyrite type, and Hounoki sample is betwixt. In spite that pyrite type ore samples contain significant gold particles, some arsenopyrite type ore also contains significant ones that
obscure the correlation. Au/(Au+Ag) contents in gold particles range from 83 to 99, and this values have beengenerally regarded as indicator of degree of alteration as silver decrease with increasing degree of alteration.
In order to understand the major factor controlling gold contents in ore samples, chemical compositions, such as Li, B and SO42- and NaCl contents, of parental hydrothermal fluids should be analyzed and combined with sulfides type obtained in this study -
Geochronology and tectonic implications of the Urgamal eclogite, Western Mongolia
Naemura, K., Erdenejargal, C., Javkhlan, T.O., Kato, T. and Hirajima, T.
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences ( 日本鉱物科学会 ) 115 ( 4 ) 357 - 364 2020.09 [Refereed]
Academic Journal Multiple authorship
Fossilized melts in mantle wedge peridotites
Naemura, K., Hirajima, T., Svojtka, M., Shimizu, I. and Iizuka, T.
Scientific Reports ( Nature ) 10116 2018.07 [Refereed]
Academic Journal Multiple authorship
Accessory priderite and burbankite in multiphase solid inclusions in the orogenic garnet peridotite from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Naemura, K., Shimizu, I., Svojtka, M. and Hirajima, T.
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 2015.01
Academic Journal Single Work
Isochemical breakdown of garnet in orogenic garnet peridotite and its implication to reaction kinetics
Obata, M., Ozawa, K., Naemura, K. and Miyake, A.
Mineralogy and Petrology ( Springer ) 2013.01
Academic Journal Multiple authorship